NIC Converter
Do you know that you can find date of birth and other information from your national identity card (NIC)? Date of birth, gender and voter eligibility are found in every Sri Lanka’s NIC. Every old NIC number has 9 numeric characters and an alphabetic character.
New NIC number has 12 digits only. Example for old NIC no is 790029871V. First two digits (79) represent year of birth, and following three digits (002) represent month and date of birth. Also those three digits (002) represent gender. If those numbers are below 500, NIC holder is male. If it is above 500, NIC holder is female. The last alphabetic character indicates voter eligibility. If it is V, it means ‘voter’. If it is X, it means the NIC holder is not eligible to vote.
New NIC number has slight different. Eg: 197900209871. Here, first four digits are year of birth, and following three digits (002) are month and date of birth as well as gender.
The following NIC converter can do the job easily. Enter national identity card number in the below box and click Find button. Eg: If you enter 790029871V or 197900209871, you can get the result (date of birth) as 1979 January 2.
New NIC number has 12 digits only. Example for old NIC no is 790029871V. First two digits (79) represent year of birth, and following three digits (002) represent month and date of birth. Also those three digits (002) represent gender. If those numbers are below 500, NIC holder is male. If it is above 500, NIC holder is female. The last alphabetic character indicates voter eligibility. If it is V, it means ‘voter’. If it is X, it means the NIC holder is not eligible to vote.
New NIC number has slight different. Eg: 197900209871. Here, first four digits are year of birth, and following three digits (002) are month and date of birth as well as gender.
The following NIC converter can do the job easily. Enter national identity card number in the below box and click Find button. Eg: If you enter 790029871V or 197900209871, you can get the result (date of birth) as 1979 January 2.
NIC DOB Finder
New / Old Format